
Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

At Marmalade Schools we are dedicated to supporting and teaching our children at the start of their educational journey.  We aim to secure strong foundations for their future learning and the ability to make friendships and therefore be resilient learners and confident individuals.  We enable this through a careful balance of formal learning and learning through play and we will ensure every child reaches their full potential and is both proud of what they have achieved but ready for their future.

At Marmalade Schools we are committed to:

  • Produce happy and confident children.
  • Offer a broad and balanced education.
  • Realise the potential of each and every child.
  • Provide high quality and well-trained staff who are themselves open to learning and are given training opportunities for continuing professional development.
  • Motivate every child through a varied educational experience.
  • Ensure that the parents, teachers, and children all feel part of the Marmalade community and feel highly valued..
  • Instil strong family values, which recognise traditional and non-traditional family groups.
  • Provide opportunities for children to learn through spontaneous, free flow and active learning.
  • Provide a non-gender biased environment and give all children the same opportunities.
  • To use observations and records to support the children in their individual needs and interests.
  • Establish a caring and courteous community, which embraces the principal that every child matters and is unique.

Support for those with Additional Needs

The Early Years – from pre-birth until starting school – is a critical period in terms of a child’s development, as they form bonds with their parents, develop language skills and other cognitive functions, and establish behavioural patterns. Gaps that emerge in the early years can persist into the school years and beyond. Early intervention has a vital role to play in identifying children who may be showing atypical development or neuro divergent behaviour, and in helping to develop the skills and competencies that set a child up for life. Marmalade Schools prides itself on doing the best for every child and our team are dedicated to providing the very best support, advice, and guidance to ensure positive outcomes for every child.
All the children will be closely assessed from their first day with us and we will build upon initial starting points provided by the child’s parent/carer If there are any areas of development identified as requiring support, our team is then able to intervene quickly and ensure the child receives the necessary help and encouragement they require and deserve to fulfil their potential whilst at Marmalade Schools.
In the event our expert team of teachers, Headteachers and Principal identify an area of concern, parents will be invited to a meeting to discuss a Personal Support Plan (PSP) tailored to their child.  With the support of the individual nursery Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinators (SENCO) and advice from Miss Rozzy who holds a Special Needs diploma, the PSP will describe the agreed targets, as well as any special support needed to help achieve them.  If required, our team will recommend appropriate specialists and therapists to ensure the child receives the finest support and has the tools and support to reach their full potential.
It is very important for the parents to work alongside the school to ensure your child’s needs are being met.